Source code for omniduct.filesystems.base

import io
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple

import pandas as pd
from interface_meta import quirk_docs, override

from omniduct.duct import Duct
from omniduct.utils.decorators import require_connection
from omniduct.utils.magics import MagicsProvider, process_line_arguments

[docs]class FileSystemClient(Duct, MagicsProvider): """ An abstract class providing the common API for all filesystem clients. Class Attributes: DUCT_TYPE (`Duct.Type`): The type of `Duct` protocol implemented by this class. DEFAULT_PORT (int): The default port for the filesystem service (defined by subclasses). """ DUCT_TYPE = Duct.Type.FILESYSTEM DEFAULT_PORT = None
[docs] @quirk_docs('_init', mro=True) def __init__(self, cwd=None, home=None, read_only=False, global_writes=False, **kwargs): """ cwd (None, str): The path prefix to use as the current working directory (if None, the user's home directory is used where that makes sense). home (None, str): The path prefix to use as the current users' home directory. If not specified, it will default to an implementation- specific value (often '/'). read_only (bool): Whether the filesystem should only be able to perform read operations. global_writes (bool): Whether to allow writes outside of the user's home folder. **kwargs (dict): Additional keyword arguments to passed on to subclasses. """ Duct.__init_with_kwargs__(self, kwargs, port=self.DEFAULT_PORT) self._path_cwd = cwd self.__path_home = home self.read_only = read_only self.global_writes = global_writes self._init(**kwargs)
@abstractmethod def _init(self): pass # Path properties and helpers @property @quirk_docs('_path_home') @require_connection def path_home(self): """ str: The path prefix to use as the current users' home directory. Unless `cwd` is set, this will be the prefix to use for all non-absolute path references on this filesystem. This is assumed not to change between connections, and so will not be updated on client reconnections. Unless `global_writes` is set to `True`, this will be the only folder into which this client is permitted to write. """ if not self.__path_home: self.__path_home = self._path_home() return self.__path_home @path_home.setter def path_home(self, path_home): if path_home is not None and not path_home.startswith(self.path_separator): raise ValueError("The home path must be absolute. Received: '{}'.".format(path_home)) self.__path_home = path_home @abstractmethod def _path_home(self): return NotImplementedError @property def path_cwd(self): """ str: The path prefix associated with the current working directory. If not otherwise set, it will be the users' home directory, and will be the prefix used by all non-absolute path references on this filesystem. """ return self._path_cwd or self.path_home @path_cwd.setter def path_cwd(self, path_cwd): path_cwd = self._path(path_cwd) assert self.isdir(path_cwd), "Specified path does not exist." self._path_cwd = path_cwd @property @quirk_docs('_path_separator') def path_separator(self): """ str: The character(s) to use in separating path components. Typically this will be '/'. """ return self._path_separator() @abstractmethod def _path_separator(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def path_join(self, path, *components): """ Generate a new path by joining together multiple paths. If any component starts with `self.path_separator` or '~', then all previous path components are discarded, and the effective base path becomes that component (with '~' expanding to `self.path_home`). Note that this method does *not* simplify paths components like '..'. Use `self.path_normpath` for this purpose. Args: path (str): The base path to which components should be joined. *components (str): Any additional components to join to the base path. Returns: str: The path resulting from joining all of the components nominated, in order, to the base path. """ for component in components: if component.startswith('~'): path = self.path_home + component[1:] elif component.startswith(self.path_separator): path = component else: path = '{}{}{}'.format(path, self.path_separator if not path.endswith(self.path_separator) else '', component) return path
[docs] def path_basename(self, path): """ Extract the last component of a given path. Components are determined by splitting by `self.path_separator`. Note that if a path ends with a path separator, the basename will be the empty string. Args: path (str): The path from which the basename should be extracted. Returns: str: The extracted basename. """ return self._path(path).split(self.path_separator)[-1]
[docs] def path_dirname(self, path): """ Extract the parent directory for provided path. This method returns the entire path except for the basename (the last component), where components are determined by splitting by `self.path_separator`. Args: path (str): The path from which the directory path should be extracted. Returns: str: The extracted directory path. """ return self.path_separator.join(self._path(path).split(self.path_separator)[:-1])
[docs] def path_normpath(self, path): """ Normalise a pathname. This method returns the normalised (absolute) path corresponding to `path` on this filesystem. Args: path (str): The path to normalise (make absolute). Returns: str: The normalised path. """ components = self._path(path).split(self.path_separator) out_path = [] for component in components: if component == '' and len(out_path) > 0: continue if component == '.': continue elif component == '..': if len(out_path) > 1: out_path.pop() else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot access parent directory of filesystem root.") else: out_path.append(component) if len(out_path) == 1 and out_path[0] == '': return self.path_separator return self.path_separator.join(out_path)
def _path(self, path=None): return self.path_cwd if path is None else self.path_join(self.path_cwd, path) def _path_in_home_dir(self, path): return self.path_normpath(path).startswith(self.path_home) @property def read_only(self): """ bool: Whether this filesystem client should be permitted to attempt any write operations. """ return self._read_only @read_only.setter def read_only(self, read_only): self._read_only = read_only @property def global_writes(self): """ bool: Whether writes should be permitted outside of home directory. This write-lock is designed to prevent inadvertent scripted writing in potentially dangerous places. """ return self._global_writes @global_writes.setter def global_writes(self, global_writes): self._global_writes = global_writes def _assert_path_is_writable(self, path): if self.read_only: raise RuntimeError("This filesystem client is configured for read-only access. Set `{}`.`read_only` to `False` to override.".format( if not self.global_writes and not self._path_in_home_dir(path): raise RuntimeError("Attempt to write outside of home directory without setting `{}`.`global_writes` to `True`.".format( return True # Filesystem accessors
[docs] @quirk_docs('_exists') @require_connection def exists(self, path): """ Check whether nominated path exists on this filesytem. Args: path (str): The path for which to check existence. Returns: bool: `True` if file/folder exists at nominated path, and `False` otherwise. """ return self._exists(self._path(path))
@abstractmethod def _exists(self, path): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @quirk_docs('_isdir') @require_connection def isdir(self, path): """ Check whether a nominated path is directory. Args: path (str): The path for which to check directory nature. Returns: bool: `True` if folder exists at nominated path, and `False` otherwise. """ return self._isdir(self._path(path))
@abstractmethod def _isdir(self, path): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @quirk_docs('_isfile') @require_connection def isfile(self, path): """ Check whether a nominated path is a file. Args: path (str): The path for which to check file nature. Returns: bool: `True` if a file exists at nominated path, and `False` otherwise. """ return self._isfile(self._path(path))
def _isfile(self, path): return not self._isdir(path) # Directory handling @abstractmethod def _dir(self, path): """ This method should return a generator over `FileSystemFileDesc` objects. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @quirk_docs('_dir') @require_connection def dir(self, path=None): """ Retrieve information about the children of a nominated directory. This method returns a generator over `FileSystemFileDesc` objects that represent the files/directories that a present as children of the nominated path. If `path` is not a directory, an exception is raised. The path is interpreted as being relative to the current working directory (on remote filesytems, this will typically be the home folder). Args: path (str): The path to examine for children. Returns: generator<FileSystemFileDesc>: The children of `path` represented as `FileSystemFileDesc` objects. """ assert self.isdir(path), "'{}' is not a valid directory.".format(path) return self._dir(self._path(path))
[docs] def listdir(self, path=None): """ Retrieve the names of the children of a nomianted directory. This method inspects the contents of a directory using `.dir(path)`, and returns the names of child members as strings. `path` is interpreted relative to the current working directory (on remote filesytems, this will typically be the home folder). Args: path (str): The path of the directory from which to enumerate filenames. Returns: list<str>: The names of all children of the nominated directory. """ return [ for f in self.dir(self._path(path))]
[docs] @require_connection def showdir(self, path=None): """ Return a dataframe representation of a directory. This method returns a `pandas.DataFrame` representation of the contents of a path, which are retrieved using `.dir(path)`. The exact columns will vary from filesystem to filesystem, depending on the fields returned by `.dir()`, but the returned DataFrame is guaranteed to at least have the columns: 'name' and 'type'. Args: path (str): The path of the directory from which to show contents. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame representation of the contents of the nominated directory. """ assert self.isdir(path), "'{}' is not a valid directory.".format(path) return self._showdir(self._path(path))
def _showdir(self, path): data = [f.as_dict() for f in self._dir(path)] if len(data) > 0: return ( pd.DataFrame(data) .sort_values(['type', 'name']) .reset_index(drop=True) .dropna(axis='columns', how='all') .drop(axis=1, labels=['fs', 'path']) ) else: return "Directory has no contents."
[docs] @quirk_docs('_walk') @require_connection def walk(self, path=None): """ Explore the filesystem tree starting at a nominated path. This method returns a generator which recursively walks over all paths that are children of `path`, one result for each directory, of form: (<path name>, [<directory 1>, ...], [<file 1>, ...]) Args: path (str): The path of the directory from which to enumerate contents. Returns: generator<tuple>: A generator of tuples, each tuple being associated with one directory that is either `path` or one of its descendants. """ assert self.isdir(path), "'{}' is not a valid directory.".format(path) return self._walk(self._path(path))
def _walk(self, path): dirs = [] files = [] for f in self._dir(path): if f.type == 'directory': dirs.append( else: files.append( yield (path, dirs, files) for dir in dirs: for walked in self._walk(self._path(self.path_join(path, dir))): # Note: using _walk directly here, which may fail if disconnected during walk. yield walked
[docs] @quirk_docs('_find') @require_connection def find(self, path_prefix=None, **attrs): """ Find a file or directory based on certain attributes. This method searches for files or folders which satisfy certain constraints on the attributes of the file (as encoded into `FileSystemFileDesc`). Note that without attribute constraints, this method will function identically to `self.dir`. Args: path_prefix (str): The path under which files/directories should be found. **attrs (dict): Constraints on the fields of the `FileSystemFileDesc` objects associated with this filesystem, as constant values or callable objects (in which case the object will be called and should return True if attribute value is match, and False otherwise). Returns: generator<FileSystemFileDesc>: A generator over `FileSystemFileDesc` objects that are descendents of `path_prefix` and which statisfy provided constraints. """ assert self.isdir(path_prefix), "'{0}' is not a valid directory. Did you mean `.find(name='{0}')`?".format(path_prefix) return self._find(self._path(path_prefix), **attrs)
def _find(self, path_prefix, **attrs): def is_match(f): for attr, value in attrs.items(): if hasattr(value, '__call__') and not value(f.as_dict().get(attr)): return False elif value != f.as_dict().get(attr): return False return True dirs = [] for f in self._dir(path_prefix): if f.type == 'directory': dirs.append( if is_match(f): yield f for dir in dirs: for match in self._find(self._path(self.path_join(path_prefix, dir)), **attrs): # Note: using _find directly here, which may fail if disconnected during find. yield match
[docs] @quirk_docs('_mkdir') @require_connection def mkdir(self, path, recursive=True, exist_ok=False): """ Create a directory at the given path. Args: path (str): The path of the directory to create. recursive (bool): Whether to recursively create any parents of this path if they do not already exist. Note: `exist_ok` is passed onto subclass implementations of `_mkdir` rather that implementing the existence check using `.exists` so that they can avoid the overhead associated with multiple operations, which can be costly in some cases. """ self._assert_path_is_writable(path) return self._mkdir(self._path(path), recursive, exist_ok)
@abstractmethod def _mkdir(self, path, recursive, exist_ok): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @quirk_docs('_remove') @require_connection def remove(self, path, recursive=False): """ Remove file(s) at a nominated path. Directories (and their contents) will not be removed unless `recursive` is set to `True`. Args: path (str): The path of the file/directory to be removed. recursive (bool): Whether to remove directories and all of their contents. """ self._assert_path_is_writable(path) if not self.exists(path): raise IOError("No file(s) exist at path '{}'.".format(path)) if self.isdir(path) and not recursive: raise IOError("Attempt to remove directory '{}' without passing `recursive=True`.".format(path)) return self._remove(self._path(path), recursive)
@abstractmethod def _remove(self, path, recursive): raise NotImplementedError # File handling
[docs] @quirk_docs('_open') @require_connection def open(self, path, mode='rt'): """ Open a file for reading and/or writing. This method opens the file at the given path for reading and/or writing operations. The object returned is programmatically interchangeable with any other Python file-like object, including specification of file modes. If the file is opened in write mode, changes will only be flushed to the source filesystem when the file is closed. Args: path (str): The path of the file to open. mode (str): All standard Python file modes. Returns: FileSystemFile or file-like: An opened file-like object. """ if 'w' in mode or 'a' in mode or '+' in mode: self._assert_path_is_writable(path) return self._open(self._path(path), mode=mode)
def _open(self, path, mode): return FileSystemFile(self, path, mode) @quirk_docs('_file_read_') @require_connection def _file_read(self, path, size=-1, offset=0, binary=False): """ This method is used by `FileSystemFile` to read the contents of files. `._file_read_` may be left unimplemented if `.open()` returns a different kind of file handle. Args: path (str): The path of the file to be read. size (int): The number of bytes to read at a time (-1 for max possible). offset (int): The offset in bytes from the start of the file. binary (bool): Whether to read the file in binary mode. Returns: str or bytes: The contents of the file. """ return self._file_read_(self._path(path), size=size, offset=offset, binary=binary) def _file_read_(self, path, size=-1, offset=0, binary=False): raise NotImplementedError @quirk_docs('_file_write_') @require_connection def _file_write(self, path, s, binary=False): """ This method is used by `FileSystemFile` to write to files. `._file_write_` may be left unimplemented if `.open()` returns a different kind of file handle. Args: path (str): The path of the file to be read. s (str, bytes): The content to be written to the file. binary (bool): Whether to read the file in binary mode. Returns: int: Number of bytes/characters written. """ self._assert_path_is_writable(path) return self._file_write_(self._path(path), s, binary) def _file_write_(self, path, s, binary): raise NotImplementedError @quirk_docs('_file_append_') @require_connection def _file_append(self, path, s, binary=False): """ This method is used by `FileSystemFile` to append content to files. `._file_append_` may be left unimplemented if `.open()` returns a different kind of file handle. Args: path (str): The path of the file to be read. s (str, bytes): The content to be appended to the file. binary (bool): Whether to read the file in binary mode. Returns: int: Number of bytes/characters written. """ self._assert_path_is_writable(path) return self._file_append_(self._path(path), s, binary) def _file_append_(self, path, s, binary): raise NotImplementedError # File transfer
[docs] @quirk_docs('_download') def download(self, source, dest=None, overwrite=False, fs=None): """ Download files to another filesystem. This method (recursively) downloads a file/folder from path `source` on this filesystem to the path `dest` on filesytem `fs`, overwriting any existing file if `overwrite` is `True`. Args: source (str): The path on this filesystem of the file to download to the nominated filesystem (`fs`). If `source` ends with '/' then contents of the the `source` directory will be copied into destination folder, and will throw an error if path does not resolve to a directory. dest (str): The destination path on filesystem (`fs`). If not specified, the file/folder is downloaded into the default path, usually one's home folder. If `dest` ends with '/', and corresponds to a directory, the contents of source will be copied instead of copying the entire folder. If `dest` is otherwise a directory, an exception will be raised. overwrite (bool): `True` if the contents of any existing file by the same name should be overwritten, `False` otherwise. fs (FileSystemClient): The FileSystemClient into which the nominated file/folder `source` should be downloaded. If not specified, defaults to the local filesystem. """ # TODO: Consider integration with `odo` for optimised data transfers. if fs is None: from .local import LocalFsClient fs = LocalFsClient() source = self._path(source) dest = fs._path(dest or self.path_basename(source)) if dest.endswith(fs.path_separator): assert fs.isdir(dest), "No such directory `{}`".format(dest) if not source.endswith(self.path_separator): dest = fs.path_join(fs._path(dest), self.path_basename(source)) # A mapping of source to dest paths on the respective filesystems # In format: (source, dest, isdir?) targets = [] if self.isdir(source): target_prefix = ( source if source.endswith(self.path_separator) else source + self.path_separator ) targets.append((source, dest, True)) for path, dirs, files in self.walk(source): for dir in dirs: target_source = self.path_join(path, dir) targets.append(( target_source, fs.path_join(dest, *target_source[len(target_prefix):].split(self.path_separator)), True )) for file in files: target_source = self.path_join(path, file) targets.append(( target_source, fs.path_join(dest, *target_source[len(target_prefix):].split(self.path_separator)), False )) else: targets.append((source, dest, False)) for target in targets: if target[2] and not fs.isdir(target[1]): fs.mkdir(target[1], exist_ok=True) elif not target[2]: self._download(target[0], target[1], overwrite, fs)
def _download(self, source, dest, overwrite, fs): if not overwrite and fs.exists(dest): raise RuntimeError("File already exists on filesystem.") with, 'rb') as f_src: with, 'wb') as f_dest: f_dest.write(
[docs] def upload(self, source, dest=None, overwrite=False, fs=None): """ Upload files from another filesystem. This method (recursively) uploads a file/folder from path `source` on filesystem `fs` to the path `dest` on this filesytem, overwriting any existing file if `overwrite` is `True`. This is equivalent to `, fs=self)`. Args: source (str): The path on the specified filesystem (`fs`) of the file to upload to this filesystem. If `source` ends with '/', and corresponds to a directory, the contents of source will be copied instead of copying the entire folder. dest (str): The destination path on this filesystem. If not specified, the file/folder is uploaded into the default path, usually one's home folder, on this filesystem. If `dest` ends with '/' then file will be copied into destination folder, and will throw an error if path does not resolve to a directory. overwrite (bool): `True` if the contents of any existing file by the same name should be overwritten, `False` otherwise. fs (FileSystemClient): The FileSystemClient from which to load the file/folder at `source`. If not specified, defaults to the local filesystem. """ if fs is None: from .local import LocalFsClient fs = LocalFsClient() return, dest, overwrite, self)
# Magics @override def _register_magics(self, base_name): from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic, register_cell_magic @register_line_magic("{}.listdir".format(base_name)) @process_line_arguments def listdir(path=''): return self.listdir(path) @register_line_magic("{}.showdir".format(base_name)) @process_line_arguments def showdir(path=''): return self.showdir(path) @register_line_magic("{}.read".format(base_name)) @process_line_arguments def read_file(path): with as f: return @register_cell_magic("{}.write".format(base_name)) @process_line_arguments def write_file(cell, path): with, 'w') as f: f.write(cell) # PyArrow compat @property def pyarrow_fs(self): from ._pyarrow_compat import OmniductFileSystem return OmniductFileSystem(self)
[docs]class FileSystemFile(object): """ A file-like implementation that is interchangeable with native Python file objects, allowing remote files to be treated identically to local files both by omniduct, the user and other libraries. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fs, path, mode='r'): self.fs = fs self.path = path self.mode = mode self.offset = 0 self.closed = False self.__modified = False if self.binary_mode: self.__io_buffer = io.BytesIO() else: self.__io_buffer = io.StringIO() if 'w' not in self.mode: self.__io_buffer.write(self.fs._file_read(self.path, binary=self.binary_mode)) if not self.appending:
@property def name(self): return self.path @property def mode(self): return self.__mode @mode.setter def mode(self, mode): try: assert len(set(mode)) == len(mode) assert sum(opt in mode for opt in ['r', 'w', 'a', '+', 't', 'b']) == len(mode) assert sum(opt in mode for opt in ['r', 'w', 'a']) == 1 assert sum(opt in mode for opt in ['t', 'b']) < 2 except AssertionError: raise ValueError("invalid mode: '{}'".format(mode)) self.__mode = mode @property def readable(self): return 'r' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode @property def writable(self): return 'w' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode or '+' in self.mode @property def seekable(self): return True @property def appending(self): return 'a' in self.mode @property def binary_mode(self): return 'b' in self.mode def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.close() def close(self): self.flush() self.closed = True def __del__(self): self.close() def flush(self): if not self.writable or not self.__modified: return # For the time being, just write out entire buffer. We can consider something cleverer later. offset = self.__io_buffer.tell() self.fs._file_write(self.path,, binary=self.binary_mode) self.__modified = False def isatty(self): return self.__io_buffer.isatty() @property def newlines(self): return '\n' # TODO: Support non-Unix newlines? def read(self, size=-1): if not self.readable: raise io.UnsupportedOperation("File not open for reading.") return def readline(self, size=-1): if not self.readable: raise io.UnsupportedOperation("File not open for reading.") return self.__io_buffer.readline(size) def readlines(self, hint=-1): if not self.readable: raise io.UnsupportedOperation("File not open for reading.") return self.__io_buffer.readlines(hint) def seek(self, pos, whence=0): return, whence) def tell(self): return self.__io_buffer.tell() def write(self, s): if not self.writable: raise io.UnsupportedOperation("File not open for writing.") self.__io_buffer.write(s) self.__modified = True def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): line = self.readline() if not line: raise StopIteration return line next = __next__ # Python 2 # Additional methods from BufferedIOBase for compatibility def read1(self, size=-1): return def detach(self): raise io.UnsupportedOperation() def readinto(self, buffer): data = buffer[:len(data)] = data return len(data) def readinto1(self, buffer): return self.readinto(buffer)
[docs]class FileSystemFileDesc(namedtuple('Node', [ 'fs', 'path', 'name', 'type', 'bytes', 'owner', 'group', 'permissions', 'created', 'last_modified', 'last_accessed', 'extra', ])): """ A representation of a file/directory stored within an Omniduct FileSystemClient. """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls, fs, path, name, type, bytes=None, owner=None, group=None, permissions=None, created=None, last_modified=None, last_accessed=None, **extra): assert type in ('directory', 'file') return ( super(FileSystemFileDesc, cls) .__new__(cls, fs=fs, path=path, name=name, type=type, bytes=bytes, owner=owner, group=group, permissions=permissions, created=created, last_modified=last_modified, last_accessed=last_accessed, extra=extra) ) def as_dict(self): d = OrderedDict([ ('fs', self.fs), ('path', self.path), ('type', self.type), ('name',, ('bytes', self.bytes), ('owner', self.owner), ('group',, ('permissions', self.permissions), ('created', self.created), ('last_modified', self.last_modified), ('last_accessed', self.last_accessed), ]) d.update(self.extra) return d # Convenience methods def open(self, mode='rt'): assert self.type == 'file', "`.open(...)` is only appropriate for files." return, mode=mode) def dir(self): assert self.type == 'directory', "`.dir(...)` is only appropriate for directories." return self.fs.dir(self.path) def listdir(self): assert self.type == 'directory', "`.listdir(...)` is only appropriate for directories." return self.fs.listdir(self.path) def showdir(self): assert self.type == 'directory', "`.showdir(...)` is only appropriate for directories." return self.fs.showdir(self.path) def find(self, **attrs): assert self.type == 'directory', "`.find(...)` is only appropriate for directories." return self.fs.find(self.path, **attrs) def download(self, dest=None, overwrite=False, fs=None): return, dest=dest, overwrite=overwrite, fs=fs)