Source code for omniduct.databases.neo4j

from __future__ import absolute_import

from interface_meta import override

from omniduct.utils.debug import logger

from .base import DatabaseClient

[docs]class Neo4jClient(DatabaseClient): """ This Duct connects to a Neo4j graph database server using the `neo4j` python library. """ PROTOCOLS = ['neo4j'] DEFAULT_PORT = 7687 DEFAULT_CURSOR_FORMATTER = 'raw'
[docs] @override @classmethod def statement_cleanup(cls, statement): return statement # base statement cleanup assumes SQL
@override def _init(self): self.__driver = None # Connection @override def _connect(self): from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase'Connecting to Neo4J graph database ...') auth = (self.username, self.password) if self.username else None self.__driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://{}:{}".format(, self.port), auth=auth) # TODO: Add kerberos support @override def _is_connected(self): return hasattr(self, '__driver') and self.__driver is not None @override def _disconnect(self):'Disconnecting from Neo4J graph database ...') try: self.__driver.close() except Exception: pass self.__driver = None # Querying @override def _execute(self, statement, cursor, wait, session_properties): with self.__driver.session() as session: result = # hacky: make the result look like a cursor result.close = result.detach result.fetchall = result.records return result @override def _table_exists(self, table, **kwargs): raise Exception('tables do not apply to the Neo4J graph database') @override def _table_drop(self, table, **kwargs): raise Exception('tables do not apply to the Neo4J graph database') @override def _table_desc(self, table, **kwargs): raise Exception('tables do not apply to the Neo4J graph database') @override def _table_head(self, table, n=10, **kwargs): raise Exception('tables do not apply to the Neo4J graph database') @override def _table_list(self, namespace, **kwargs): raise Exception('tables do not apply to the Neo4J graph database') @override def _table_props(self, table, **kwargs): raise Exception('tables do not apply to the Neo4J graph database')