Source code for omniduct.databases.hiveserver2

from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import time

import pandas as pd
from interface_meta import override
from jinja2 import Template

from omniduct.utils.debug import logger
from omniduct.utils.processes import Timeout, run_in_subprocess

from .base import DatabaseClient
from ._schemas import SchemasMixin
from . import _pandas

[docs]class HiveServer2Client(DatabaseClient, SchemasMixin): """ This Duct connects to an Apache HiveServer2 server instance using the `pyhive` or `impyla` libraries. Attributes: schema (str, None): The default schema to use for queries (will default to server-default if not specified). driver (str): One of 'pyhive' (default) or 'impyla', which specifies how the client communicates with Hive. auth_mechanism (str): The authorisation protocol to use for connections. Defaults to 'NOSASL'. Authorisation methods differ between drivers. Please refer to `pyhive` and `impyla` documentation for more details. push_using_hive_cli (bool): Whether the `.push()` operation should directly add files using `LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH` rather than the `INSERT` operation via SQLAlchemy. Note that this requires the presence of the `hive` executable on the local PATH, or if connecting via a `RemoteClient` instance, on the remote's PATH. This is mostly useful for older versions of Hive which do not support the `INSERT` statement. default_table_props (dict): A dictionary of table properties to use by default when creating tables. connection_options (dict): Additional options to pass through to the `.connect()` methods of the drivers. """ PROTOCOLS = ['hiveserver2'] DEFAULT_PORT = 3623 SUPPORTS_SESSION_PROPERTIES = True NAMESPACE_NAMES = ['schema', 'table'] NAMESPACE_QUOTECHAR = '`' NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR = '.' @property @override def NAMESPACE_DEFAULT(self): return { 'schema': self.schema } @property @override def NAMESPACE_DEFAULTS_WRITE(self): defaults = self.NAMESPACE_DEFAULTS_READ.copy() defaults['schema'] = self.username return defaults @override def _init(self, schema=None, driver='pyhive', auth_mechanism='NOSASL', push_using_hive_cli=False, default_table_props=None, thrift_transport=None, **connection_options ): """ schema (str, None): The default database/schema to use for queries (will default to server-default if not specified). driver (str): One of 'pyhive' (default) or 'impyla', which specifies how the client communicates with Hive. auth_mechanism (str): The authorisation protocol to use for connections. Defaults to 'NOSASL'. Authorisation methods differ between drivers. Please refer to `pyhive` and `impyla` documentation for more details. push_using_hive_cli (bool): Whether the `.push()` operation should directly add files using `LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH` rather than the `INSERT` operation via SQLAlchemy. Note that this requires the presence of the `hive` executable on the local PATH, or if connecting via a `RemoteClient` instance, on the remote's PATH. This is mostly useful for older versions of Hive which do not support the `INSERT` statement. False by default. default_table_props (dict): A dictionary of table properties to use by default when creating tables (default is an empty dict). thrift_transport (TTransportBase): A thrift transport object for custom advanced usage. Incompatible with host, port, auth_mechanism, and password. Typically used to enable Thrift http transport to hiveserver2. **connection_options (dict): Additional options to pass through to the `.connect()` methods of the drivers. """ self.schema = schema self.driver = driver self.auth_mechanism = auth_mechanism self.connection_options = connection_options self.push_using_hive_cli = push_using_hive_cli self.default_table_props = default_table_props or {} self._thrift_transport = thrift_transport self.__hive = None self.connection_fields += ('schema',) assert self.driver in ('pyhive', 'impyla'), "Supported drivers are pyhive and impyla." @override def _connect(self): from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData if self.driver == 'pyhive': try: import pyhive.hive except ImportError: raise ImportError(""" Omniduct is attempting to use the 'pyhive' driver, but it is not installed. Please either install the pyhive package, or reconfigure this Duct to use the 'impyla' driver. """) self.__hive = pyhive.hive.connect(host=None if self._thrift_transport else, port=None if self._thrift_transport else self.port, auth=None if self._thrift_transport else self.auth_mechanism, database=self.schema, username=self.username, password=None if self._thrift_transport else self.password, thrift_transport=self._thrift_transport, **self.connection_options) self._sqlalchemy_engine = create_engine('hive://{}:{}/{}'.format(, self.port, self.schema)) self._sqlalchemy_metadata = MetaData(self._sqlalchemy_engine) elif self.driver == 'impyla': try: import impala.dbapi except ImportError: raise ImportError(""" Omniduct is attempting to use the 'impyla' driver, but it is not installed. Please either install the impyla package, or reconfigure this Duct to use the 'pyhive' driver. """) self.__hive = impala.dbapi.connect(, port=self.port, auth_mechanism=self.auth_mechanism, database=self.schema, user=self.username, password=self.password, **self.connection_options) self._sqlalchemy_engine = create_engine('impala://{}:{}/{}'.format(, self.port, self.schema)) self._sqlalchemy_metadata = MetaData(self._sqlalchemy_engine) def __hive_cursor(self): if self.driver == 'impyla': # Impyla seems to have all manner of connection issues, attempt to restore connection try: with Timeout(1): return self.__hive.cursor() except: self._connect() return self.__hive.cursor() @override def _is_connected(self): return self.__hive is not None @override def _disconnect(self):'Disconnecting from Hive coordinator...') try: self.__hive.close() except: pass self.__hive = None self._sqlalchemy_engine = None self._sqlalchemy_metadata = None self._schemas = None @override def _statement_prepare(self, statement, session_properties, **kwargs): return ( "\n".join( "SET {key} = {value};".format(key=key, value=value) for key, value in session_properties.items() ) + statement ) @override def _execute(self, statement, cursor, wait, session_properties, poll_interval=1): """ Additional Args: poll_interval (int): Default delay in seconds between consecutive query status (defaults to 1). """ cursor = cursor or self.__hive_cursor() log_offset = 0 if self.driver == 'pyhive': from TCLIService.ttypes import TOperationState # noqa: F821 cursor.execute(statement, **{'async': True}) if wait: status = cursor.poll().operationState while status in (TOperationState.INITIALIZED_STATE, TOperationState.RUNNING_STATE): log_offset = self._log_status(cursor, log_offset) time.sleep(poll_interval) status = cursor.poll().operationState elif self.driver == 'impyla': cursor.execute_async(statement) if wait: while cursor.is_executing(): log_offset = self._log_status(cursor, log_offset) time.sleep(poll_interval) return cursor @override def _cursor_empty(self, cursor): if self.driver == 'impyla': return not cursor.has_result_set elif self.driver == 'pyhive': return cursor.description is None return False def _cursor_wait(self, cursor, poll_interval=1): from TCLIService.ttypes import TOperationState # noqa: F821 status = cursor.poll().operationState while status in (TOperationState.INITIALIZED_STATE, TOperationState.RUNNING_STATE): time.sleep(poll_interval) status = cursor.poll().operationState def _log_status(self, cursor, log_offset=0): matcher = re.compile('[0-9/]+ [0-9:]+ (INFO )?') if self.driver == 'pyhive': log = cursor.fetch_logs() else: log = cursor.get_log().strip().split('\n') for line in log[log_offset:]: if not line: continue m = matcher.match(line) if m: line = line[len(] return len(log) @override def _query_to_table(self, statement, table, if_exists, **kwargs): statements = [] if if_exists == 'fail' and self.table_exists(table): raise RuntimeError("Table {} already exists!".format(table)) elif if_exists == 'replace': statements.append('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {};'.format(table)) elif if_exists == 'append': raise NotImplementedError("Append operations have not been implemented for {}.".format(self.__class__.__name__)) statements.append("CREATE TABLE {table} AS ({statement})".format( table=table, statement=statement )) return self.execute('\n'.join(statements), **kwargs) @override def _dataframe_to_table( self, df, table, if_exists='fail', use_hive_cli=None, partition=None, sep=chr(1), table_props=None, dtype_overrides=None, **kwargs ): """ If `use_hive_cli` (or if not specified `.push_using_hive_cli`) is `True`, a `CREATE TABLE` statement will be automatically generated based on the datatypes of the DataFrame (unless overwritten by `dtype_overrides`). The `DataFrame` will then be exported to a CSV compatible with Hive and uploaded (if necessary) to the remote, before being loaded into Hive using a `LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ...` query using the `hive` cli executable. Note that if a table is not partitioned, you cannot convert it to a parititioned table without deleting it first. If `use_hive_cli` (or if not specified `.push_using_hive_cli`) is `False`, an attempt will be made to push the `DataFrame` to Hive using `pandas.DataFrame.to_sql` and the SQLAlchemy binding provided by `pyhive` and `impyla`. This may be slower, does not support older versions of Hive, and does not support table properties or partitioning. If if the schema namespace is not specified, `table.schema` will be defaulted to your username. Additional Args: use_hive_cli (bool, None): A local override for the global `.push_using_hive_cli` attribute. If not specified, the global default is used. If True, then pushes are performed using the `hive` CLI executable on the local/remote PATH. **kwargs (dict): Additional arguments to send to `pandas.DataFrame.to_sql`. Further Parameters for CLI method (specifying these for the pandas method will cause a `RuntimeError` exception): partition (dict): A mapping of column names to values that specify the partition into which the provided data should be uploaded, as well as providing the fields by which new tables should be partitioned. sep (str): Field delimiter for data (defaults to CTRL-A, or `chr(1)`). table_props (dict): Properties to set on any newly created tables (extends `.default_table_props`). dtype_overrides (dict): Mapping of column names to Hive datatypes to use instead of default mapping. """ use_hive_cli = use_hive_cli or self.push_using_hive_cli partition = partition or {} table_props = table_props or {} dtype_overrides = dtype_overrides or {} # Try using SQLALchemy method if not use_hive_cli: if partition or table_props or dtype_overrides: raise RuntimeError( "At least one of `partition` or `table_props` or " "`dtype_overrides` has been specified. Setting table " "properties or partition information is not supported " "via the SQLAlchemy backend. If this is important, please " "pass `use_hive_cli=True`, otherwise remove these values " "and try again." ) try: return _pandas.to_sql( df=df, name=table.table, schema=table.schema, con=self._sqlalchemy_engine, index=False, if_exists=if_exists, **kwargs ) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Push unsuccessful. Your version of Hive may be too old to " "support the `INSERT` keyword. You might want to try setting " "`.push_using_hive_cli = True` if your local or remote " "machine has access to the `hive` CLI executable. The " "original exception was: {}".format(e.args[0]) ) # Try using Hive CLI # If `partition` is specified, the associated columns must not be # present in the dataframe. assert len(set(partition).intersection(df.columns)) == 0, "The dataframe to be uploaded must not have any partitioned fields. Please remove the field(s): {}.".format(','.join(set(partition).intersection(df.columns))) # Save dataframe to file and send it to the remote server if necessary temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='omniduct_hiveserver2') tmp_fname = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'data_{}.csv'.format(time.time()))'Saving dataframe to file... {}'.format(tmp_fname)) df.fillna(r'\N').to_csv(tmp_fname, index=False, header=False, sep=sep, encoding='utf-8') if self.remote:"Uploading data to remote host...") self.remote.upload(tmp_fname) # Generate create table statement. auto_table_props = set(self.default_table_props).difference(table_props) if len(auto_table_props) > 0: logger.warning( "In addition to any specified table properties, this " "HiveServer2Client has added the following default table " "properties:\n{default_props}\nTo override them, please " "specify overrides using: `.push(..., table_props={{...}}).`" .format(default_props=json.dumps({ prop: value for prop, value in self.default_table_props.items() if prop in auto_table_props }, indent=True)) ) tblprops = self.default_table_props.copy() tblprops.update(table_props or {}) cts = self._create_table_statement_from_df( df=df, table=table, drop=(if_exists == 'replace') and not partition, text=True, sep=sep, table_props=tblprops, partition_cols=list(partition), dtype_overrides=dtype_overrides ) # Generate load data statement. partition_clause = ( '' if not partition else 'PARTITION ({})'.format( ','.join("{key} = '{value}'".format(key=key, value=value) for key, value in partition.items()) ) ) lds = '\nLOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH "{path}" {overwrite} INTO TABLE {table} {partition_clause};'.format( path=os.path.basename(tmp_fname) if self.remote else tmp_fname, overwrite="OVERWRITE" if if_exists == "replace" else "", table=table, partition_clause=partition_clause ) # Run create table statement and load data statments "Creating hive table `{table}` if it does not " "already exist, and inserting the provided data{partition}." .format( table=table, partition=" into {}".format(partition_clause) if partition_clause else "" ) ) try: stmts = '\n'.join([cts, lds]) logger.debug(stmts) proc = self._run_in_hivecli(stmts) if proc.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError(proc.stderr.decode('utf-8')) finally: # Clean up files if self.remote: self.remote.execute('rm -rf {}'.format(tmp_fname)) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)"Successfully uploaded dataframe {partition}`{table}`.".format( table=table, partition="into {} of ".format(partition_clause) if partition_clause else "" )) @override def _table_list(self, namespace, like='*', **kwargs): schema = or self.schema return self.query("SHOW TABLES IN {0} '{1}'".format(schema, like), **kwargs) @override def _table_exists(self, table, **kwargs): logger.disabled = True try: self.table_desc(table, **kwargs) return True except: return False finally: logger.disabled = False @override def _table_drop(self, table, **kwargs): return self.execute("DROP TABLE {table}".format(table=table)) @override def _table_desc(self, table, **kwargs): records = self.query("DESCRIBE {0}".format(table), **kwargs) # pretty hacky but hive doesn't return DESCRIBE results in a nice format # TODO is there any information we should pull out of DESCRIBE EXTENDED for i, record in enumerate(records): if record[0] == '': break columns = ['col_name', 'data_type', 'comment'] fields_df = pd.DataFrame(records[:i], columns=columns) partitions_df = pd.DataFrame(records[i + 4:], columns=columns) partitions_df['comment'] = "PARTITION " + partitions_df['comment'] return pd.concat((fields_df, partitions_df)) @override def _table_head(self, table, n=10, **kwargs): return self.query("SELECT * FROM {} LIMIT {}".format(table, n), **kwargs) @override def _table_props(self, table, **kwargs): return self.query('SHOW TBLPROPERTIES {0}'.format(table), **kwargs) def _run_in_hivecli(self, cmd): """Run a query using hive cli in a subprocess.""" # Turn hive command into quotable string. double_escaped = re.sub('\\' * 2, '\\' * 4, cmd) backtick_escape = '\\\\\\`' if self.remote else '\\`' sys_cmd = 'hive -e "{0}"'.format(re.sub('"', '\\"', double_escaped)) \ .replace('`', backtick_escape) # Execute command in a subprocess. if self.remote: proc = self.remote.execute(sys_cmd) else: proc = run_in_subprocess(sys_cmd, check_output=True) return proc @classmethod def _create_table_statement_from_df(cls, df, table, drop=False, text=True, sep=chr(1), loc=None, table_props=None, partition_cols=None, dtype_overrides=None): """ Return create table statement for new hive table based on pandas dataframe. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame, pandas.Series): Used to determine column names and types for create table statement. table (ParsedNamespaces): The parsed name of the target table. drop (bool): Whether to include a drop table statement before the create table statement. text (bool): Whether data will be stored as a textfile. sep (str): The separator used by the text data store (defaults to CTRL-A, i.e. `chr(1)`, which is the default Hive separator). loc (str): Desired HDFS location (if not the default). table_props (dict): The table properties (if any) to set on the table. partition_cols (list): The columns by which the created table should be partitioned. Returns: str: The Hive SQL required to create the table with the above configuration. """ table_props = table_props or {} partition_cols = partition_cols or [] dtype_overrides = dtype_overrides or {} # dtype kind to hive type mapping dict. DTYPE_KIND_HIVE_TYPE = { 'b': 'BOOLEAN', # boolean 'i': 'BIGINT', # signed integer 'u': 'BIGINT', # unsigned integer 'f': 'DOUBLE', # floating-point 'c': 'STRING', # complex floating-point 'O': 'STRING', # object 'S': 'STRING', # (byte-)string 'U': 'STRING', # Unicode 'V': 'STRING' # void } # Sanitise column names and map numpy/pandas data-types to hive types. columns = [] for col, dtype in df.dtypes.iteritems(): col_sanitized = re.sub(r'\W', '', col.lower().replace(' ', '_')) hive_type = dtype_overrides.get(col) or DTYPE_KIND_HIVE_TYPE.get(dtype.kind) if hive_type is None: hive_type = DTYPE_KIND_HIVE_TYPE['O'] logger.warning( 'Unable to determine hive type for dataframe column {col} of pandas dtype {dtype}. ' 'Defaulting to hive type {hive_type}. If other column type is desired, ' 'please specify via `dtype_overrides`' .format(**locals()) ) columns.append( ' {column} {type}'.format(column=col_sanitized, type=hive_type) ) partition_columns = ['{} STRING'.format(col) for col in partition_cols] tblprops = ["'{key}' = '{value}'".format(key=key, value=value) for key, value in table_props.items()] tblprops = "TBLPROPERTIES({})".format(",".join(tblprops)) if len(tblprops) > 0 else "" cmd = Template(""" {% if drop %} DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {{ table }}; {% endif -%} CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {{ table }} ( {%- for col in columns %} {{ col }} {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {%- endfor %} ) {%- if partition_columns %} PARTITIONED BY ( {%- for col in partition_columns %} {{ col }} {% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {%- endfor %} ) {%- endif %} {%- if text %} ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY "{{ sep }}" STORED AS TEXTFILE {% endif %} {%- if loc %} LOCATION "{{ loc }}" {%- endif %} {{ tblprops }} ; """).render(**locals()) return cmd