Extensions and Plug-insΒΆ

Extending Omniduct to support additional services is relatively straightforward, requiring you only to subclass Duct or one of the protocol specific common API subclasses (a template for each of these is provided as a stub.py file in the appropriate subpackage, e.g. https://github.com/airbnb/omniduct/blob/master/omniduct/databases/stub.py).

As soon as your subclass is in memory, it will integrate automatically with the rest of the Omniduct ecosystem, and be instantiatable by protocol name through the DuctRegistry or Duct.for_protocol() systems.

If you would like to contribute this extension into the upstream Omniduct library, we welcome your contribution. This would entail simply adding a module containing your subclass to the appropriate Omniduct subpackage, and then (if it is stable and ready for broad usage) importing that subpackage from omniduct.protocols. Once your module is merged into the master branch of Omniduct, maintainance will fall to the core Omniduct maintainers, though you are of course welcome to continue submitting patches to improve it or any other aspect of Omniduct.

If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to open an issue on our issue tracker: https://github.com/airbnb/omniduct/issues .